Friday, July 31, 2009

Childrens Books At The Warehouse

Our world is full of noise and chaos for young minds; television, video games, music devices,and cell phones shout at them daily.

Even babies love the sound of cartoons, are fascinated by the buttons of remote controls and have their favorite tunes when the radio is on.

Searching for a way to stop the madness? Looking for a little quiet time to spend with your kids?

Check out the shelves of gently read children's books At The Warehouse. Reading provides a quiet time for closeness and personal interaction. Children love to be read to. It lets their imaginations take flight.

Even before they can understand the words, they love the sound of Daddy's deep voice lulling them to sleep and Mommy's silly character voices making them giggle.
At The Warehouse has a wide selection of books for children ages infant to young adult.
Recent finds:

Amelia Bedelia....Peggy Parrish's silly tales of a housekeeper whose literal take on language makes for amusing situations.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish......Dr Susses classic ridiculous rhyming book will have your little ones laughing out loud.
Baby Sitter Club series Ann M. Martin about a group of seventh grader students who form a business and find out how hilarious babysitting can be.

1 comment:

Mare said...

I just found your blog (and learned about your warehouse) because of the fundraiser for Sam Contompasis gallery! I'm going to add your blog to my list of daily reads!