Saturday, November 24, 2007

Getting Ready for the Chocolate Festival

On December 2nd, "At the Warehouse" will showcase a booth at the NY State Museum's Chocolate Festival. Last year this show was attended by 10,000 visitors In the context of our architectural salvage we will portray the theme of who we are as a terrific fine craft and specialty foods market. We will display all merchants in a vignette style, as a teaser to come visit us "At the Warehouse". Mauri and Camille will be representing the merchants and request appropriately sized signage with your selected work. The booth is being prepared AT THE WAREHOUSE. Please share the press release of this show with all of your contacts Showing our diversity will clearly drawn new people to the warehouse.


Happileerving said...

That sounds like a wonderful idea. I wish I wasn't on call next weekend soI could come down and see it for myself. Becky and I are putting together a slide show of Warehouse photos set to music by Mark Daveport. If anyone has photos they would like to have included please email them to

Happileerving said...

So........How was The Chocolate Festival? Did Camille have the best dispaly in the place? Were they well received? Will you share pictures?