Friday, January 30, 2009

Gardening in February

Gardening in February ! Okay, it's small scale but you'll go home with a lovely terrarium to hold you till May.
Silver Fox Salvage came across a number of glass domes at auction recently, similar to the classic "English Cloches" used for terrariums. Mix it up with some miniature plants, vintage dishware, salvaged finds and you have a unique garden scape to get you through the cold winter months.
The class will be taught by Cornell Cooperative Extension's master gardener, Audrey Hawkins. Saturday Feburary 21, 2009 from 1:30 - 3:00. Reservations are required. Please call Lynn or Camille, 518-431-0606
Workshop instruction is free. Basic materials: $20.00 (includes glass dome, plants and potting material, base is subject to choice). Any additional items you wish to bring or buy is up to you.
Come early and poke around for small salvage items to incorporate into your garden
Visit with our talented vendors.
Have lunch at the Artifacts Cafe.

Located: 20 Learned Street (behind the Miss Albany Diner). Albany NY, 12207


thea said...

I just found your blog. I am a local lifestyle photographer in search of some interesting locations for photoshoots of my high school market in teh winter.

I have never been to The warehouse, but it sounds really cool.

I hope to stop by soon to check it out.

Thea Coughlin

thea said...

my website is

North Albany Blogger said...

Thea, we are glad to hear people are starting to find the blog. I viewed your blog and you have some incredible work with great music in the background. You are welcome to come down to see our place and we can help you arrange some of the salvage as a backdrop for the photos. Fred from Silver Fox

North Albany Blogger said...

The class went exceptionally well, with over 20 participants. Look forward to new and innovative classes AT THE WAREHOUSE.